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As a business that’s served in Alberta for over 40 years, Empire Hydraulics & Hard Chrome cares about supporting our Canadian businesses. We service construction, mining, hauling, garbage and recycling collection, towing, demolition, military, agriculture, as well as the oil and gas industries across Edmonton and surrounding areas.
When companies come to us, they can expect our team to provide professional expertise on hydraulic cylinders, industrial hard chroming, machining, and other equipment repair services.
Contact Information
Empire Hydraulics & Hard Chrome
23004 112 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, AB T5S 0B8
Fax: 780-489-3668
Methods of Payment

Service Area
British Columbia
Northwest Territories
We have clients across Canada and the US

Operations Manager: Haresh Pithva
Operations Associate: Danny Bacchus
CEO: Sedeeka Ali
Shop Supervisors:
Peter Antoniuk (Chroming Specialist)
Upendra Gounder (Machining and Hydraulics Specialist)
Regional Sales: Carter Brisebois
Customer Service: Michelle Murray
Administrative Associate: Kadin Ali-Mellor